Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ndebele of southern Africa essays

Ndebele of southern Africa essays Who were the Ndebele of southern Africa? How might they have reacted to the growing power of Britain in their region? The Ndebele were a warrior people who had secured their military stronghold over southern Africa by using strict discipline and ingenious warfare tactics. Upon the arrival of Europeans, the native=s superior skills in war proved futile against the mechanised military of the white man. The British, with rifles and machine guns easily subdued the kingdoms of southern Africa. The Ndebele people were forced to yield to the British, ultimately, ending their life of freedom. This essay will examine the history of the Ndebele people, showing how they became who they were. It will also explain to the reader, regardless of the action this kingdom had taken against the British, it would have still succumbed to the same fate. Great political changes occurred in southern Africa in the later part of the eighteenth century. Powerful kingdoms arose from the conglomeration of many smaller chiefdoms. This resulted in an extremely violent period in southern Africa=s history known as Amfecane (unlimited warfare).@ Nguni speaking by heritage, the Ndebele people arose in this time of turmoil as one of the most powerful militaries in southern Africa. They used revolutionary tactics of both guerrilla warfare and highly disciplined units that advanced into battle as one entity. The Ndebele depended upon cattle as the sustenance of their livelihood for milk, meat and clothing. For this reason they required fertile lands to raise and feed their herds. Without healthy property the Ndebele people would not survive. The search for the most arable soil led them to conquer neighbouring kingdoms in times of drought or when they had used up all of their lands= resources. The Ndebele are not credited with living in one specific area for long periods of time. However, geographically, the Ndebele were always located in the borders o...

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