Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HADRON COLLIDER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

HADRON COLLIDER - Essay Example The LHC is used by physicists in the recreation of conditions immediately after the Big Bang. This is done by the collision of the two beams at a very high energy. However, groups of physicists from allover the world then examine the particles that are formed as a result of the collisions by the use of particular detectors in several tests dedicated to it. There are several theories that describe the outcomes of these collisions. For long, the particle physics Standard Model has served scientists well as a way of comprehending the basis laws of Nature, however, it tells only part of the story. Only the trial data by the use of high energies that are arrived at by the LHC can be able to push the knowledge forward, thus challenging those that seek proof of the found knowledge, as well as those who tend to dream past the paradigm (Rossi 50).            Rumors from an internal memo has it that one of the CERNs Large Hadron Collider detectors has picked up some signals that could actually be the particle that has been sought after for a long period of time, which is known as the Higgs boson. Nevertheless, one of the major scientific objectives of the massive six billion Euros atom smasher was to demonstrate or confirm the Higgs bosons presence, a hypothetical practice that is believed to provide everything in the world or universe mass (Steiger&Uhl 73). Nevertheless, the particle is a critical part of the typical model that is used in physics in the description of the way in which atoms and particles are constituted. â€Å"Unconfirmed reports that physicians are currently working on the LHC indicated that the Higgs boson started circulating after a theoretical internal memo was published on the internet. Scientists quickly urged carefulness over the assertions as most particles candidates that appear in the colli sion tests at the LHC are

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