Wednesday, October 30, 2019

DELL - SWOT Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DELL - SWOT Analysis - Essay Example Therefore, it misses out on its Asian market share. (Aaker, 1991) Low Profit Margin: The bargaining power that the customer enjoys in this industry is high especially in case of entrance fees, prices of DVDs and other such factors. Since the main focus of Disney’s business is its low cost strategy, it does not save much of its buyer money and it makes less profits. The customer, in this kind of an industry, is needed for the success of such a company. Therefore, more often than not Disney has to cut profit margins in order to grab a larger chunk of the market. Use of Local Resources: Disney employs people locally and can thus capture the local market in a better way through increased motivation within the work space through which employees will come up with better suggestions. Strong Brand Identity: Disney already has the biggest brand following globally. When studied as a perception born in the consumer’s mind we define the concept of ‘brand’ as the sum of associations that are evoked by names or symbols. This is the first step towards the creation of the proposed integrative model as using this definition implies that one is subscribing to the brand identity angle as a base for brand equity. At the same time, the scope of this definition should not merely serve to associate with the product. It must promote an association with the organization behind Mickey Mouse, by helping the customer relate the Mickey Mouse emblem with information on Disney. This forms an important part of the brand identity process and may result in the creation of enhanced brand equity. (Aaker, 1991) Competitive Advantage: Also, it can apply Porter’s model of competitive advantage on a more global level instead of merely at the national level. This can be done along the following lines: (Porter,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Alfred Lord Tennyson - The Charge Of The Light Brigade Essay Example for Free

Alfred Lord Tennyson The Charge Of The Light Brigade Essay Discuss the poets different attitudes to war, as presented in The Charge Of The Light Brigade and Exposure A more experienced poet known as Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote the Charge Of The Light Brigade. He was born in 1809 and died of old age in 1892. He wrote The Charge Of The Light Brigade in response to a Newspaper Report from the Times, which was written by W.H.Russel, so his understanding of the war was from second hand knowledge, he was removed from the action. Unlike Wilfred Owen, who wrote Exposure. Owen was born in 1893 and died at a very young age in 1918. The reason for his young death was, he was a participant in the war and died during battle, so his was writing from his own experiences. Although Owen was a less experienced writer, his poems only really became known after his death, as he had a less authorative voice. The main similarities between the two poems is that they are both writing about wars, however both wars are from a different time and so are fought in completely different ways. Tennyson wrote The Charge Of The Light Brigade about the Crimean war, which was originally between France and Russia but Britain joined because she worried about her security. The Crimean war was fought on horseback, which meant that it would be over fairly quickly. I think this because it would have been one charge, this battle would then have gone on until all the soldiers in one side were injured or dead. He was very far removed from the action, as he didnt even witness the war, so his poem written is third hand. Where as Owen wrote Exposure from first hand experience. For these reasons I may be able to place more value on Wilfred Owens poem. The First World War was fought over several years and the soldiers spent a lot of that time in trenches. The mood, tone and language in each poem are completely different from the other. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade the mood is very light and gives the feeling that all the soldiers, were excited about what they were doing. This is helped by the fact that Tennyson doesnt go into the atrocities of the war, instead writing of When horse and hero fell. Here he is basically saying that they have been shot down, but the way Tennyson puts it, its like its not that dramatic, when it is. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade it doesnt really distinguish those soldiers that died in battle and those that lived, Then they rode back, but not the six hundred. This is what I think plays a big part in making the mood of the poem so light, as it avoids death, which is upsetting. Where as in Exposure the mood is very depressing and dismal as Owen is constantly saying how the soldiers were being attacked in different ways. He mentions the weather attacking them, which can be seen from in the merciless iced winds that knive us. As well as things like the barbed wire in front of the enemies trenches, Like twitching agonies of men amongst its brambles. However the poem doesnt mention soldiers attacking them, which may indicate that the weather and other things were more threatening and chilling, then the enemy. In Exposure Owen speaks of the soldiers pain and this is what I think makes the poem so disheartening to read, because he is trying to show how war causes suffering and reduces the soldiers. Unlike Tennyson who is trying to honour and glorify the soldiers and so making the poem seem more pleasant. However in some ways the poems are similar as the language used indicates that poets generalise and universalise all the men in the war. The Charge Of The Light Brigade is a lot more structured then Exposure. This is because in Tennysons poem he talks about the different stages of the battle, where as Owen doesnt really mention battle, its more about the soldiers suffering. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade Tennyson goes through each stage of the battle, within each individual stanza. So in the first stanza the soldiers have been ordered to start their charge. The second stanza is quite an important part of the poem, as we discover that the soldiers had been given the wrong order. However because they are so disciplined and loyal to their country, no one questions it. Tennyson is trying to glorify and honour the soldiers so he simply says, Not though soldiers knew, someone had blundered. In the third stanza the soldiers are in range of the enemys guns and in stanza four, the soldiers are forced to turn back because so many men have been killed. Even though at this point the British soldiers are being defeated Tennyson emphasises their bravery. That takes the readers attention off the fact that they are losing so badly. An example of this is, Sabring the gunners there. The word sabring has been used very cleverly as it gives the reader the impression that the British soldiers were hacking away at the Russians, because Tennyson was writing the poem to honour The Light Brigade. In stanza five the British soldiers are still not out of danger despite turning back, as more Russians have come in behind them, so even more soldiers get killed. Stanza six is simply Tennyson reflecting on their bravery. In Exposure there isnt such an obvious structure. In stanza one Owen talks about the soldiers being attacked by the weather and in stanza two they are being attacked by the enemys barbed wire and it goes on like this. The weather is continually being described in different ways, one very effective way is when Owen uses alliteration, Dawn massing in the East her melancholy army. There is no real progression to the poem because it mirrors what is going on in the war, as they are stuck in trenches. The rhythm in each poem is completely different form the other. The Charge Of The Light Brigade has a very lively and energetic feel to it, this is due to its incredibly fast pace. In contrast Exposure has a very slow rhythm like the progress of the war. However in the third stanza there is a change in pace and it picks up just a little bit. This is due to the rhythm sounding like the bullets being described in the stanza, Sudden successive bullets streak the silence like the shells being shot in The Charge Of The Light Brigade. But the pace returns to its gloomy rhythm in the next stanza. In The charge Of The Light Brigade the rhythm of the poem sounds very much like the rhythm the galloping horses would make, this can be seen from Half a league, half a league onward, all in the valley of death rode the six hundred. I also think that the discipline of the British soldiers shows in the discipline of the rhythm. Each poem gives a completely different image of war, because they were written for different purposes and from different points of view. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade Tennyson uses a lot of similes and metaphors to create tension in the poem. He also uses similes to give the reader a better image of the battle and to show how heroic the soldiers were. Where as in Exposure Owen uses similes and metaphors to show how much the soldiers around him have been reduced, and the only thing they have to keep them going is happy memories. In The Charge Of The Light Brigade the first noticeable and most repeated image is All in the valley of death. I think that Tennyson choose to describe the charge like this because death is a very moving word. The word all unites the soldiers and due to the image of the extreme danger, given by the word death, shows the soldiers bravery, it also gives the idea of a big sacrifice. Not only do we get the feeling of danger, but Tennyson also discreetly describes sounds, through the use of onomatopoeia, Volleyed and thundered. I think that this is really clever, as it adds realism to the poem. When Tennyson uses alliteration, the words he uses sound like the hissing of the artillery on the battlefield. An example of this is Stormed at with shot and shell. Tennyson uses euphemism to describe the British soldiers killing the enemy; he uses words like flashed and sabring. The British soldiers are basically killing people, but the way Tennyson describes it, its as if they are doing it elegantly and almost gracefully. All of these images give the main picture that the war was glorious. The reason we get this image of the war is because Tennyson hides the realities behind euphemism, unlike Owen who shows the war for what it really is. Right from the first word our we immediately know that it has been written from the point of view of the narrator. Owen gives a very chilling image to the war because he has experienced it, he can say what he has seen and felt. The use of personification shows how the soldiers looked on the outside: Attacks once more in ranks, on ranks of shivering grey. Here Owen is talking about the weather attacking the soldiers, because the soldiers looked so grey and dull. Owen also adds shivering to the sentence, which could show that not only were they shivering because they were cold, but because they feel cold in their hearts like theyve been forgotten. Owen uses alliteration to emphasise that the men have no luxuries, unlike Tennyson who used alliteration to show the excitement of the war. In Exposure the uses of alliteration gives the reader the image that its as if the weather is trying to find them to put them through more distress, this can be seen from Pale flakes with fingering stealth come feeling for our faces. However I think Owen saves the most moving image for the end, unlike Tennyson who reflects on the heroism of the men during the battle, Owen shows just how terrible it is. In the final stanza Owen creates a very strong image, Pause over half-known faces. All their eyes are iced. To begin with it seems as though Owen is talking about the dead soldiers eyes being iced, because they are dead, but he is also talking about all the soldiers who are still alive and have to look at them. Owen is saying that in order to cope with what the soldiers have to face out in the trenches their eyes have also iced over, as they have no feeling any more. In Exposure we get the impression that it is probably easier to be dead, as you have gone to a better place and the pain and suffering stops, as soon as your spirit leaves your body. When I read Charge Of The Light Brigade I didnt feel very much inside, because the images that were given through the use of personification and other things were glorious. In Exposure the image seemed very real, because the poet was really writing from the heart and it made me feel quiet and lonely inside. Exposure and The Charge Of The Light Brigade both use repetition to show the reader that there have been casualties in the war. In The Charge Of The light Brigade different words are repeated to highlight different things. To emphasise the courage of the charge Tennyson repeats, Forward, the light brigade and The valley of death, which gives the idea that there is no turning back. In stanza two, three lines begin with their. This is used to show the discipline of the soldiers, that not one of them is questioning the wrong order. At the end of the first three stanzas Tennyson is still repeating, Rode the six hundred, this use of repetition gives the idea that the soldiers are still alive. However the final line of stanza four, Not the six hundred shows that not all the soldiers were going to come back from the valley of death. In stanza five some of the lines from stanza three are repeated, Cannon to the right of them, this gives the idea that even though they are on their way back the danger still surrounds them. At the end of stanza five Tennyson has said, Left of six hundred. He is still repeating six hundred, but has changed the words in front of it, to give the idea that the number of losses was more then the number of survivors. Exposure doesnt have has much repetition in as The Charge Of The Light Brigade, but it too has the majority of its repetition at the end of each stanza. The repetition of But nothing happens in three of the stanzas and the final stanza, give the image that the soldiers are almost waiting to die. The use of repetition in this ways indicates that they feel forgotten, because they have gone out to the trenches to do a job, and they are unable to do that job properly. In stanzas five, six and seven Owen repeats, dying at the end of each stanza. By doing this I get the impression that not only are the soldiers dieing because they are being attacked, but their spirits are dying as well as their love for things, its like they have lost themselves in the strong winds that surround them. So in both poems the use of repetition sums up the casualties of war, in Exposure they are shown in a more harsh way, then in The Charge Of The Light Brigade. Both poems are completely different in the way they portray the war, in that Exposure uses realism and The Charge Of The Light Brigade uses euphemism. The reason for there being such a lot of euphemism in The Charge Of The Light Brigade is because Tennyson wants to praise the soldiers. He also uses euphemism to hide behind the grim realities of life. A very good example of euphemism in the poem is, Sabring the gunners there. It is basically saying that the British soldiers were hacking away and killing the enemy, but it isnt described like that because the aim of Tennysons poem was to honour the soldiers. The word sabring makes the British soldiers sounds elegant and sophisticated, as if they arent doing anything wrong. So in order to honour the Light Brigade Tennyson hides behind euphemism. In contrast Owen uses realism in his poem because he wants to show war for what it really is. In everything he says he is very blunt and relates even the simplest things to every day horrors. By using realism Owen shows the reader that the only thing the soldiers have to keep them going are memories, an example of this is, Slowly our ghosts drag home: glimpsing the sunk fires glozed. This emphasises that the soldiers have no luxuries and how now they take nothing for granted, because they now realise it isnt always going to be there for them. The reason for The Charge Of The light Brigade using euphemism and Exposure using realism, is because each writer is trying to give a different image of the war, for different reasons using these methods. In conclusion both poems appear to be very similar when I first looked at them, however the only thing they have in common is that they are both about wars. The reason they only have this in common is for two reasons. The first reason is that both wars were completely different types of wars. The second reason and the most important, is that the writers show different attitudes towards war. In Charge Of The Light Brigade Tennyson wrote the poem to honour and glorify the soldiers that fought in the war. So the way he presents the poem, its as if Tennyson is saying that war is good thing to part of. I think the other reason for him putting such a positive image on the war was because he didnt fight in it, therefore there are no feelings included in his poem. So because Tennyson approves of the soldiers loyalty there are no signs of irony. Where as in Exposure Owen, who fought in the war, is able to include feelings. Due to having such a horrible time in the trenches, these feelings are sad and seem painful, putting war in a completely different light. Unlike Owen, Tennyson believed that no good could come from war, and although Owen is against war Exposure isnt an anti-war poem. However the one attitude that both writers show in their poems, is that you have to fight sometimes to preserve what is good.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Humerous Themes In Othello :: essays research papers

When the well-known English dramatist William Shakespeare began writing Othello, he had already been educated in the classics and in literature. Although his contemporary Ben Jonson said that Shakespeare knew "little Latin and less Greek," scholars know that Shakespeare knew, at least, about Greek ideas about comedy and tragedy. He was not incredibly educated, but he was aware that his play would comment on ideas about comedy. By looking at a few crucial scenes in the play, this paper will demonstrate that, although most people consider Shakespeare’s Othello a tragedy, it is actually a black comedy. In Act V, Scene I (17-30) lines Iago comments comically on the murder scene he has set up himself. This is the scene: Iago. O murderous slave! O villain! [Stabs RODERIGO] Rod. O damn’d Iago! O inhuman dog! Iago. Kill men i’ the dark! Where be these bloody thieves? How silent is this town! Ho! murder! murder! What may you be? are you of good or evil? Lod. As you shall prove us, praise us. Iago. Signior Lodovico? Lod. He, sir. Iago. I cry you mercy. Here’s Cassio hurt by villains. Gra. Cassio! Iago. How is it, brother? Cas. My leg is cut in two. Iago. Marry, heaven forbid, Light, gentlemen; I’ll bind it with my shirt. Iago has the audience and everyone other than Roderigo believe that he is looking for thieves. If you think about it, that is a funny statement. He has committed a murder, but he pretends that he has not. Further, he pretends that he is looking for the killer and is the only one who cares enough to do so, and cannot believe "how silent" the town is. Even his final gesture, of trying to "bind" the wound with his shirt, is a supremely comic one, perhaps for Shakespeare more than Iago. Iago may be able to stem the flow of blood coming from Cassio’s leg. But it would be silly for the audience to believe what Iago implicitly asks them to believe, that anyone or anything can stem the tide of destruction that he has already unleashed on the play’s characters, and by implication, in the play’s plot. Earlier in the play, in Act II, Scene I (lines 87-95), a similar event occurs, when Cassio greets Desdemona and speaks about Othello and Iago: Cas. She that I spake of, our great captain’s captain, Left in the conduct of the bold Iago, Whose footing here anticipates our thoughts A se’nnight’s speed. Great Jove, Othello guard, And swell his sail with thine own powerful breath,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nighthawks – Creative Writing

The night is velvet black. The streetlights are switched off; a would be cold dank street is illuminated by the fluorescent beam of the all-night diner, which watches the street, glancing through my window, an apartment above the hardware store. It could've disturbed my slumber but I wasn't in. I hadn't been in for a long time and tonight, I sat in the diner, a safe haven for vagrants and nomads. I'm alone. There are two other customers in the diner and a bartender but I'm alone. My body needs sleep but my mind won't allow it; it's been a long day. I must have travelled for several hours but I can't recall a second on the road. My head is a train station of thoughts, coming and going. As I peer upwards I'm forced to squint; the vibrant light burns my eyes from under my hat. From what I can see of the place's inhabitants, it's the most alive thing in here tonight, dancing along the oak veneer counter and blazing into the bottom of my cup, creating a reflection. I gaze into my own eyes. The man I see is not the man I am; he's grotesque with vile features and battle scar-like wrinkles. He's definitely not the man who woke up the previous morning in Baltimore in a fully occupied double bed. I've had countless Irish coffees but my mind still feels sober. The kid behind the counter looks at me tentatively for the usual impersonal small talk, attempting to catch my empty eyes. I resist, he doesn't remember me. His mother used to run this place but she's probably long dead. Besides, I'm not here to remember. I'm here to forget. It was a rough Manhattan neighbourhood but the street was as clean as any up town, to me this was largely because of the diner. It protected a once dim noisome street and brought together the community. Back when I was just an ignorant wiseacre before it all started, before the epiphany that was meeting her. I am awoken back to consciousness by the hushed whispers of the couple opposite, who look uneasy and not just because this apparent hobo is eyeballing them, there was something else, something deeper. I guess they too must have their reasons for not being at home, tucked up in bed. The man was young and handsome with wired caffeine-powered eyes; I'd seen him a thousand times before waltzing around up town in a suit. I can't tell whether he's paying for his company or not, I'm guessing not because if I was I'd demand a refund, she seems more interested in her hands than his voice, gazing intensely as if reading her palms, deeply occupied in her thoughts. She feels my stare. I'd better look away and play it cool but I can't. Even as she gazes back, I'm lost. She sends me a plaintive smile but I remain emotionless. I can tell she's still thinking hard of other things, half-heartedly raising a cigarette to her rouged lips, barely bothering to inhale. I watch its lacklustre droop for what feels like hours. She's entranced me. They always do this. She always does this. I bring my refilled cup back to my lips not letting anything slip to the broad. I remain motionless, my insides decomposing; she's not scared of me but childishly curious. She's attractive in obvious ways but her true beauty is esoteric, only I who have known her for so long could understand. We both maintain this level of equanimity as my eyes are starting to leak. I can't tell whether it's for lack of sleep or that I haven't blinked in many minutes. It's neither; I realise as that pain in my stomach that urged me to drive all this way home is becoming more tolerable. The drink only shielded me temporarily but my emotions are now releasing themselves all over the counter and into my half empty cup. She either doesn't mind or notice but I terminate my tears anyway. The suit next to her grabs her coat. â€Å"D'you wanna' get outta' here?† He can't have seen me. She'll make a fool out of him. She humours these lowlifes but I always know she'll be mine at the end of the night even if she makes me doubt it sometimes. â€Å"Yeah, sure. I've just been waiting for you.† I don't understand. â€Å"Why didn't you say so?† â€Å"Because I didn't want you following me home.† Of course, always one step ahead of me. He storms passed me muttering vulgar terms, I hear â€Å"slut† and would hurt him but I've long since learnt that's not what she wants. I look back to her. She is now standing. In a matter of seconds she's brushing passed my chair ignoring me, she's changed her perfume; she's changed her appearance. She's left me again but I still love her. I've loved her from the moment I set eyes on her in this very diner. I loved her when we settled down near her parents in South Baltimore, Maryland. I loved her when she told me why we weren't physically intimate and I loved her for years until the inevitable happened today. Until it happened today. I see her face on every blonde I've seen since and I don't doubt I will for a while. The barman looks suggestively at the clock. I've overstayed my welcome. My sojourn is over; tomorrow I must return to my new home. I glance up at the old apartment and the lights inside are on. I can still make out the other two figures on opposite sides of the street but I'm alone. I feel even together in the diner, we were all alone.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Embalmers: Embalming and Early Egyptian Eras

After we die our souls are taken to either Heaven or Hell, but what happens with our bodies left on earth? For those who did and did not take good care of it, the embalmers are the one who brings the â€Å"dead back to life†, when I say this I mean the body not our actual spirit. Embalming can be defined as preserving of the body for burial; it has been around for centuries and can be dated back to early Egyptian eras. Embalmers are highly trained professionals that perform this repulsive yet phenomenal task. To become an embalmer you are required to have the following knowledge: chemistry, Customer and Personal Service, Biology, English Language, Law and Government, education and training, psychology, and Administration and Management. For skill level you need to know service orientation, active listening, knowing how to speak to others, coordination, science, reading comprehension, social perceptiveness, instructing, time management, and critical thinking. Most important thing a person needs to become an embalmer is a high school diploma. Four plus years in college, training in mortuary science, and a license in the state you are trying to become an embalmer. Life of an embalmer is very different from anyone that works with people because their clients are dead. They are hired by funeral directors and work in complete isolation. Many myths are said that most embalmers are socially inclined because of their morbid job, but that is highly untrue. Embalming is a long process, its start with the pre-embalming this is where this is where the embalmer makes note of any jewelry, discoloration, scars, bruises, etc. n the body if any catheters or clothing is on the body it is also removed. After this is done the embalmer washes the body down with a germicidal soap, killing any germs, and then relaxes the muscles because of rigor mortis and shaves the body because of peach fuzz will mess up any makeup. The second stage is feature setting, this is where the embalmer starts putting the body in the position that they are going to place in the casket. Cotton is placed between the eyes and eyelids to keep the eye ball from slipping down in socket. Next, the jaw is closed by a suture gun, a curved needle that is injected through the gums of the upper jaw into the nostril and then tied. Third is the arterial embalming this is where embalming fluid is injected into the artery while the blood is being drained from the heart and veins. This takes up to two galloons of usually a mixture of formaldehyde or other chemical and water! Once this is through the arterial and jugular vein is removed. Almost done, next we need to go through cavity embalming, to me this is most important because all the stuff that lies within the organs most be drained or they will find another escape (and it would be a sad sight to see that during a funeral) so all fluid from left over organs are suctioned out this is done with a trocar. Last is post-embalming, the embalmer does another full wash and hair and makeup are done to give the life-like appearance again. Seems like a lot, but the job keeps the family happy and money in their pocket that is the job look stays increasing (mostly because people die every day and embalmers retire) it is said to have the highest growth population in jobs. The first year through the fourth the average salary is $24,134 to $40,828, and those embalmers with 5 to 9 years’ experience earn average annual salaries between $36,115 and $49,579. Its good pay but if you’re the easily squeamish type it’s definitely not for you. Without embalmers there would be a lot of problems when it came time to funerals. This job is very well exciting and keeps you busy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ndebele of southern Africa essays

Ndebele of southern Africa essays Who were the Ndebele of southern Africa? How might they have reacted to the growing power of Britain in their region? The Ndebele were a warrior people who had secured their military stronghold over southern Africa by using strict discipline and ingenious warfare tactics. Upon the arrival of Europeans, the native=s superior skills in war proved futile against the mechanised military of the white man. The British, with rifles and machine guns easily subdued the kingdoms of southern Africa. The Ndebele people were forced to yield to the British, ultimately, ending their life of freedom. This essay will examine the history of the Ndebele people, showing how they became who they were. It will also explain to the reader, regardless of the action this kingdom had taken against the British, it would have still succumbed to the same fate. Great political changes occurred in southern Africa in the later part of the eighteenth century. Powerful kingdoms arose from the conglomeration of many smaller chiefdoms. This resulted in an extremely violent period in southern Africa=s history known as Amfecane (unlimited warfare).@ Nguni speaking by heritage, the Ndebele people arose in this time of turmoil as one of the most powerful militaries in southern Africa. They used revolutionary tactics of both guerrilla warfare and highly disciplined units that advanced into battle as one entity. The Ndebele depended upon cattle as the sustenance of their livelihood for milk, meat and clothing. For this reason they required fertile lands to raise and feed their herds. Without healthy property the Ndebele people would not survive. The search for the most arable soil led them to conquer neighbouring kingdoms in times of drought or when they had used up all of their lands= resources. The Ndebele are not credited with living in one specific area for long periods of time. However, geographically, the Ndebele were always located in the borders o...

Monday, October 21, 2019

What Was San Augustine Trying To Achieve In His Work, The City Of God

What Was San Augustine Trying To Achieve In His Work, The City Of God What Was San Augustine Trying To Achieve In His Work, The City Of God Why Was This Important To – Article Example What was San Augustine trying to achieve in his work, The of God? Why was this important to him? What arguments were made? What are the implications for any regime with a large Christian population?Name: Professor: Course: Date:What San Augustine wanted to achieve in the city of God? The main aim of san Augustine was to persuade the pagans. He saw that the inhabitants of the city had become so ungodly and wanted to show them that God was in control of the city. He was also trying to defend the Christians who lived in the city. The Christians used to receive much criticism from the pagans, which influenced St Augustine to rise for the sake of Christianity. He had the urge to encourage people to repent as Christ had shown them many favors, and they were not appreciating. He had a determination to prove Christianity right as the pagans were blaspheming accusing Christians of the attack by Goths in the reign of Alaric (Augustine, & Dyson, 1998).Importance of, the city of God to San Augus tine The city of God was important to St Augustine, as it did not show any discrimination to any individual or race. Even murders went to inhabit in the city whereas they could not stay in their cities. The city was a blessed nation according to St Augustine, which made him treasure the city (Augustine, & Dyson, 1998). Arguments made He argued that even the Romans who the barbarians spared due to respect for Christ also become enemies of Christ. There was increased pride and insult from the pagans who insulted Christians and through they were safe in the name of Christ from their enemies (Augustine, & Dyson, 1998).Implications of large Christian population in a regime Regimes with large number of Christians pose many advantages as well as challenges. First, there is peace in these areas. In addition, respect for humanity is key to Christians hence respect among the inhabitants is high. A regime with a large number of Christians faces a lot of criticism hence enmity by other religio ns (Augustine, & Dyson, 1998).ReferencesAugustine, & Dyson, R. W. (1998). The city of God against the pagans. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Tips for Writing a Film Review

7 Tips for Writing a Film Review 7 Tips for Writing a Film Review 7 Tips for Writing a Film Review By Mark Nichol When I wrote for my college newspaper, one of the assignments I enjoyed most was writing film reviews. And I was terrible at it, as I soon realized. Why? I was writing the equivalent of book reports: movie reports. Fortunately, I came to my senses and realized that evaluating films and plays and the like (and, yes, books) is more complicated, yet more satisfying, that that. Here are some tips not necessarily in the order in which they would be applied in your writing for crafting movie reviews (which are more or less applicable for reviewing other types of composition, or even products like software or gadgets): 1. If circumstances permit, view the film more than once. It’s easy to miss key elements, or even the whole point, after just a single viewing. 2. Express your opinion of the film, but support your criticism. If you are offended or disappointed or embarrassed, provide a valid reason, even if you think it is obvious. A film review that comes across as a personal attack on an actor, director, or screenwriter or a diatribe about a genre is a failed review. 3. Adjust the style of your review for the readership. If you’re pitching reviews to a traditional publication, you’re expected to be fairly evenhanded (though even mainstream film critics are permitted nay, expected to gently mock particularly inept filmmaking). If your target audience is fanboys (and fangirls) on a movie-geek Web site, though, feel free to take the gloves off. Either way, though, support your criticism with valid observations; hurling invective is not the same thing as evaluation. 4. Avoid spoilers. One of the most pernicious fairly recent developments in the review genre is the careless, thoughtless revelation of key plot points. It’s a sign of professionalism to refrain from giving such information away. Exception: Reviews of previously released films don’t necessarily adhere to this rule, though it’s still considered sporting to warn readers or site visitors to skip to the next paragraph if they don’t want to read something. Some classy sites actually code spoilers to be invisible unless the visitor scrolls over the blank area to highlight that passage in the review. 5. Judge the story. Are the character’s actions justified, and are their motives plausible? Is there an internal consistency to the way each person behaves, or do some words, thoughts, or actions ring false? Does the plot make sense? Is the story line logical? Is the narrative arc well shaped, with an economy of form, or is it flabby or drawn out, with time-killing pointlessness? 6. Rate the actors. Do they meet the expectations dictated by the plot and other story elements? If not, is it their own thespian shortcomings, are they hampered by a poor script, or is there something about their performances that makes you believe the director is at fault? What could the performers, the screenwriters, or the filmmaker have done differently to make the movie work better? 7. Evaluate the technical elements. How do the cinematography, editing, lighting, sound, and other components support or detract from the film? Is music appropriate and effectively employed? You needn’t know film-technology jargon to share your thoughts about how these elements contributed to or detracted from the whole. Writing film reviews is in one way a thankless task: Often, readers will disagree with you, and many people will go to see movies without your wise guidance. How to avoid frustration? Writing about movies, like writing about just about anything else, should be primarily an exercise in enjoyment: You do it because you like doing it. If anybody else out there enjoys the result of your exercise in self-entertainment, so much the better but you’re your own primary audience (and your worst critic). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1Top 11 Writing Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)Threw and Through

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Socrates Defense of Athenian Law and C.S. Lewis' critique of Research Paper

Socrates Defense of Athenian Law and C.S. Lewis' critique of subjectivism - Research Paper Example Why would Lewis insist that we interpret Plato’s Socrates in this way? Socrates was an Athenian who firmly believed that the system of the law under which the jury was acting was fair. The city of Athen’s tribunal sat to bestow justice in accordance with the city’s regulations. From the outset of his trial, Socrates declared that, â€Å"I must observe the law and make my defense† (Plato 35c). Owing to the fact that he openly admitted the purpose and nature of his lifetime activities, Socrates' case would appear to be based on a matter of interpretation instead of fact. Socrates stated that his teaching, contrary to corrupting the morals of the youth, had actually made Athens become a better state. He would assert in the faces of his accusers that, â€Å"My teaching is the bidding of the gods; and I believe that the city has actually benefitted from my service to the gods† (Plato 30a). Even after being pronounced guilty, Socrates made it clear that h e respected the views of the legitimate city authorities and would obey their sentence. He said this even though he was aware that he had been unjustly accused. This shows just how much he believed that the Athenian legal system was the foundation of the Athenian city state and had to be valued. The Athenian legal system had a distinct method of trying accused persons. ... The Euthyphro provides evidence that Meletus was a young Athenian who did not know Socrates on a personal level (Euthyphr 2b). After hearing both the defense and the charges, it was decided that there was need for an initial hearing. In Athenian trials, citizen volunteers would function as the jurors. They were usually paid for their services after being chosen by lot. To ensure that there was no possibility of bribery or jury tampering, the juries were usually quite large. Socrates’ case, for example, was presented before 500 jurors. Socrates felt that if he had actually been found guilty of crossing the laws, then he deserved the sentence that would be meted out. Socrates' greatest argument against ignoring the court’s decision and fleeing Athens lay in the fact that his existence in the jurisdiction of Athens was an admission of a contract between Athenian authorities and him to observe its laws. Owing to this fact, fleeing from Athens without permission or notificat ion to the authorities would actually be violating the laws of the land and participating in ‘wrong’ actions- which was the direct opposite of the ‘goodness’ that he believed in. Socrates had always been a forthright advocate for the Athenian political and legal system. Owing to the agreement between him and the city authorities, he was also the beneficiary of an unknown quantity of benefits. Moreover, for him to fully enjoy the benefits of what was provided to him by the city of Athens, he had to in return give up something. In this case, it was his freedom of choice and action where there was a clash between his personal views and the stipulations of Athenian law. The Athenian legal system had a modicum of fairness in its dealings with citizens. Given that the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Developing leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Developing leadership - Essay Example An effective leader knows how to handle members of the group. I am highly inspired by the leadership skills portrayed by these charismatic and dedicated leaders. I strive to be like them. Progress and self-improvement can only be measured by the goals and objectives an individual sets. Therefore, to develop my leadership skills, and to improve on my weaknesses, I had clear goals that I hoped to achieve by the end of the course. Character coupled with efficient complementary skills is essential for one to be an extraordinary leader (Reeves, 1991). Therefore, knowing clearly that I lack in complementary skills such as communication skills, it become a goal to be achieved. I also set to acquire the ability of evaluating the strength of team members. The skill is important as it will make it easier for me to establish the strength and weaknesses of the members. Therefore, enabling me to effectively allocate duties and seek guidance from the right person. It is one way of ensuring that the entire team participating in a project contributes practical and productive information (Zenger & Folkman, 2012). I was also hoping to be a better team player and develop the ability to think independently by the end of the course. My key competencies are in character, interpersonal skills and personal capability. After self-assessment of competencies, I have found that although I display high levels of honesty and integrity. I motivate and inspire team members to perform and knowledgeable in my tasks. I am also exceptionally good in general repair work and have led teams in social initiatives that involved renovating houses in poor neighborhoods on volunteer basis. Sadly, character and proficiency in repair works are not sufficient tools for modeling an extraordinary leader. A leader who only develops what he does well, gains only by simple incremental development

Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Nutrition - Essay Example in the for of triglycerides, proteins in the form of amino acids, nucleotides in the form of nucleic acids after being absorbed and transported into individual cells may undergo metabolism, thus releasing ATP or free energy to sustain the activities of the organ system and the whole body collectively. The extra glucose will be converted by the liver as stored glycogen and the extra lipids will be stored as fats. In case of additional intake of food when cells needs are just satiated or satisfied, the liver takes care of the storage of the extra materials. In increased respiratory function brought about by exercise, stored glucose and fats will be tapped to produce replacement ATP’s. Increased respiratory functions through exercise then must be good because in excessive storage of fats, according to the study conducted by Ziccardi P. et al (2002), concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines are higher which are found to be tumor necrosis factor ÃŽ ± (TNF- ÃŽ ±) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). On the other hand, weight loss resulted to reduced fats, reduced concentrations of ÃŽ ± (TNF- ÃŽ ±), reduced interleukin-6 (IL-6), reduced P-selectin, reduced ICAM-1, and reduced VCAM-1 (Ziccardi P. et al 2002). Thus, weight loss through exercise would bring down the level of endothelial dysfunction such as inflammations as a consequence of the lowered level of the most likely trigger factors, cytokines, consequently, reducing also the risk of artherothrombosis (Ziccardi P. et al 2002). Furthermore, exercise and weight loss are the closest mean s by which inflammatory process impact may be lessened (Visser 1999). 2. Blundell and Hill (1992), showed a diagram explaining the biological regulation which starts with the brain including environmental adaptation driving eating behavior for the body to gain the nutrition needed for physiologic function. Hunger and thirst normally drives food intake, which are basically stimulated by Ghrelin molecules that relays the message to the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Does the technological revolution change the basic rules of media Essay

Does the technological revolution change the basic rules of media economics - Essay Example In order to understand the impact of technology on media economics in cultural industries, it is essential to understand the concept of cultural industry (Albarran & Dimmick, 1996, 48). Cultural industry can defined as that industry that incorporates different types of medium including television, music, print media along with art and architecture. From research, it is evident that this industry has adopted technology. The developments and growth of mass media in the cultural industry created foundations for media economics. The concept of media economics first emerged in the fifties(Albarran, 2002, 32). The cultural industries played an important role in offering the main fundamentals for investigating and analyzing the economics of media. â€Å"Content providers, offering information and entertainment, became the suppliers, whereas consumers and advertisers formed the demand side of the market. Furthermore, various regulatory agencies (e.g., Federal Communications Commission [FCC] , Federal Trade Commission, and other government entities) affected macroeconomic market conditions, and the relationship among suppliers in various industries created microeconomic market conditions† (Albarran, 2002, 115). During the fifties, the emergence of media economics became the subject of study of several micro and macro economists. For instance, Rau concentrated on studying the competition between newspapers, Steiner studied the competition in the radio industry and Reddaway studied the economics of several newspaper firms (Albarran, 2002, 201). The initial studies related to television and cultural industry sought to understand the structure of the market and the competition it had with other forms of medium(Albarran & Dimmick, 1996, 48). Furthermore, it concentrated on studying the influence of technology on revenues. In the same

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 10

Marketing - Essay Example The product lines that are considered are â€Å"Voice Recognition Device.† (Voice recognition device, 2005). Through the use of voice recognition, it is possible to direct and control computer applications without having to use one’s hands to do the job. This is widely used by managers, artists, students, parents, home and office usage etc. â€Å"The firm we now work for is currently developing a new type of voice recognition device (VRD) with advanced capabilities for controlling computer applications using spoken commands. It was our job to move the product to the top of the market and earn profit for our firm by understanding the market, competitors and other trends in the external environment.† (The marketing game, 2009). The two constraining factors in this Marketing game are the Sales Budget that offers the scope for funding various activities that are needed for a game of this kind. Secondly, the marketplace needs to take the competitive moves taken by three competing firms in their bid to create value and revenue chains for their respective businesses. There are also aspects in terms of whether advertising expenditures are paying off and also whether this is influencing the final outcome of business. Another aspect that needs to be considered is, paying close attention to what the competitors are up to. â€Å"In a dynamic market it is rare that a manager can succeed without paying close attention to competitors and what they are doing, and without thinking through what they are likely to do.   Success in The Marketing Game! Is much more likely for those managers who take some time to think carefully about the competitive effects in the market.† (Otjen n.d.). There are only four makers of this VRD in the market. One is the product line which we are responsible for developing; that is, PAMAY and the competitors are Synnergy, Speak, you’re your voice. Synnergy is now in the number one position with 41% market share, You’re has 14% share

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Does the technological revolution change the basic rules of media Essay

Does the technological revolution change the basic rules of media economics - Essay Example In order to understand the impact of technology on media economics in cultural industries, it is essential to understand the concept of cultural industry (Albarran & Dimmick, 1996, 48). Cultural industry can defined as that industry that incorporates different types of medium including television, music, print media along with art and architecture. From research, it is evident that this industry has adopted technology. The developments and growth of mass media in the cultural industry created foundations for media economics. The concept of media economics first emerged in the fifties(Albarran, 2002, 32). The cultural industries played an important role in offering the main fundamentals for investigating and analyzing the economics of media. â€Å"Content providers, offering information and entertainment, became the suppliers, whereas consumers and advertisers formed the demand side of the market. Furthermore, various regulatory agencies (e.g., Federal Communications Commission [FCC] , Federal Trade Commission, and other government entities) affected macroeconomic market conditions, and the relationship among suppliers in various industries created microeconomic market conditions† (Albarran, 2002, 115). During the fifties, the emergence of media economics became the subject of study of several micro and macro economists. For instance, Rau concentrated on studying the competition between newspapers, Steiner studied the competition in the radio industry and Reddaway studied the economics of several newspaper firms (Albarran, 2002, 201). The initial studies related to television and cultural industry sought to understand the structure of the market and the competition it had with other forms of medium(Albarran & Dimmick, 1996, 48). Furthermore, it concentrated on studying the influence of technology on revenues. In the same

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HADRON COLLIDER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

HADRON COLLIDER - Essay Example The LHC is used by physicists in the recreation of conditions immediately after the Big Bang. This is done by the collision of the two beams at a very high energy. However, groups of physicists from allover the world then examine the particles that are formed as a result of the collisions by the use of particular detectors in several tests dedicated to it. There are several theories that describe the outcomes of these collisions. For long, the particle physics Standard Model has served scientists well as a way of comprehending the basis laws of Nature, however, it tells only part of the story. Only the trial data by the use of high energies that are arrived at by the LHC can be able to push the knowledge forward, thus challenging those that seek proof of the found knowledge, as well as those who tend to dream past the paradigm (Rossi 50).            Rumors from an internal memo has it that one of the CERNs Large Hadron Collider detectors has picked up some signals that could actually be the particle that has been sought after for a long period of time, which is known as the Higgs boson. Nevertheless, one of the major scientific objectives of the massive six billion Euros atom smasher was to demonstrate or confirm the Higgs bosons presence, a hypothetical practice that is believed to provide everything in the world or universe mass (Steiger&Uhl 73). Nevertheless, the particle is a critical part of the typical model that is used in physics in the description of the way in which atoms and particles are constituted. â€Å"Unconfirmed reports that physicians are currently working on the LHC indicated that the Higgs boson started circulating after a theoretical internal memo was published on the internet. Scientists quickly urged carefulness over the assertions as most particles candidates that appear in the colli sion tests at the LHC are

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bystander Effect Essay Example for Free

Bystander Effect Essay Introduction – This study researched the implications of the bystander effect when both gaze and no gaze methods were used. It tested this with woman to woman interaction only. The belief was that when gaze was held between the subject needing assistance and a random subject the expressed desire to help would raise. Methods Participants – For participants the study used one hundred and ten adult American women waiting alone at a bus stop in Staten Island, New York. Apparatus/Materials – two women dressed in plain clothes, a pocket full of change, and conducted at a bus stop. Procedures – Two women dressed in plain clothes or one woman alone approached a bus stop where a solitary other woman already was(the subject) one of the women had a cast on her dominant hand. The woman with the impairment reached into her pocket on the side of her casted hand with the opposite hand and attempted to draw coins from the pocket. Upon doing this she dropped the coins over the sidewalk. After the coins had fallen she either made eye contact with the subject or just proceeded to pick up the coins. If the subject assisted in picking up the coins or helped identify where the coins were she was considered helpful. IV – the woman dropping the coins DV – whether or not the subject assisted in picking up or finding the coins. Results – In the gaze versus no gaze condition with a companion 70% of the subjects assisted rather than 30% that assisted when no gaze was used. When no- gaze was used and tested alone versus with companion a significant difference was seen. 33% helped when the person in need of help was alone as opposed to 11% when with a companion. Discussion – this research shows that a subject can feel increased responsibility when someone else is in the vicinity and gaze is held rather than when the subject is alone and gaze is held versus gaze not being held. A possible answer for his is that when two or more people are around and someone in distress makes eye contact they are showing a distinct desire for that person rather than the other people around who they could ask for assistance. This makes a subject feel more responsible to help rather than if they would have not made eye contact because the distressee is asking indirectly for help. The difference in between look and non- look while alone was less significant because the bystander already seemingly had a sole responsibility to help and not expect someone else to and so looking at them wasn’t as much asking them specifically rather than a plea for help. Limitations – the person in need of help could be asking for different amount of help with just there facial expressions. Certain females may prefer other females more than others and be more inclined to help. Future Research – this study can be held again but rather than having solely female to female interaction, male to female and female to male interaction can be had.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ted Talk Script Technology Repercussions in Youth

Ted Talk Script Technology Repercussions in Youth Is this ipad a piece of technology or this scissor? Now probably you are thinking for sure the ipad is no doubt and scissors are just a tool. But let me tell you, you are actually wrong; both of these materials are categorized as technology. Now let me introduce you to what technology really is, by telling you a brief meaning so, what is Technology? Technology is a material that has various forms which helps a person performs a task on a daily basis. In todays world Technology is necessary in every aspect of live as it has changed and evolved the very world we live in. Technology has impacted youth of the 21st century as well as the adults, who are going through the era of simplicity into robotic evolution. But todays Ted Talk will mainly focus on the effects of technology on mainly youth. But many benefits of technology have been seen as years have passed, for example discoveries in all mechanical industries, efficiency of business work, advancements in medical care and many more. Side effects that is evident when you here technology,ÂÂ   deficiency in child thinking and social skills , privacy is at risk , climate change and the most worrying is the laziness in humans. Technology has never been so improved and developed in the history of humanity since the invention of the first wheel to now the era of virtual reality. I personally believe that technology, being used by anyone is not harmful at all but it does not affect a person until someone misuses it for their own sake or benefit. In todays world the youth run the technology and technology is its main target, the relationship between them is vice versa and none of them can stay without each other, note that I am not talking about a person but rather about a no living thing but now in this era these technological things are given more importance than actual living human beings. This technology indeed causes youth of today to like tech in the form of phones but also it causes harmful effects that stay with the youth throughout their lives. For example, depression and extreme isolation is evident in most of todays youth, this happens due to the lack of contact with people in their real lives other than virtual friends on Facebook. This happens often in institutions like social gatherings and when there is a pause or silence or you might feel awkward , in order to cope with it taking out your phone and using it without a purpose make us youth feel better than talking to a person right in front. Isolation then leads to Depression which then shows us that we lack human contact which includes physical exercise. Not exercising and staying home all day also adds obesity within you. This moreover relates to the reason why this happens and so its because youth utilizing their time in video games, taking to friends online and mostly watching YouTube videos most of the ir day rather than studying or using their time effectively in other things which I think is known as studying. Face to face interaction between people has been reduced, resulting absence of social skills, which are needed in our daily lives. Through the media, for likely Hollywood movies we have seen how children get bullied in school by kids are more tougher than them but this still exists but bullying has taken another form in todays time , instead kids get bullied more likely through social media now. This is just simple as a kid posting a picture on instagram and then waiting for instant likes but less that he know instead of likes he gets bombarded my comments my his friends that how ugly he or she looks. This internal depression and pain within a kids mind affects them mentally which remains with them during their life span, just like a pavement, a part of like taking away apart life. Kids who get involved in the act of bullying other kids , this happens since these bullies are more like to say things online on Facebook or twitter or other social media applications rather in person , face to face but they do not have guts bully in real life. Eventually, increase in cyber-bullying leads to teen suicides and parents get hurt and eventually wanting to know the reason why this happened. But now we all know reasons behind this? Dont we? I can just not stop talking about the negative effects of technology as they are reoccurring in my mind while I am trying to pursue you to lessen down the amount of time you send on technology. Now I am going to tell you some information that you might not really pay attention while your parents are telling you! I will take my parents as an example and display it to you guys and assume that all parents tell this to their kids. So what Parents say is basically, dont use headphones while sleeping or overusing and listening to music a lot during the day at constant pace but guess what? It causes loss of hearing over time. Just like the previous outcome looking at a phone or any display can affect people and mostly likely children to have vision loss resulting optical glasses much earlier in life. For example, I am assuming you have a younger sibling who wears glasses and he plays games on the ipad right in front of his eyes as close as he could be to the screen. But your parents are shouting at him, telling him stop playing it to close to your eyes, as your sibling is ruining his precious eyes or this might be you too. While you would like to have much longer conversations with Siri then real friends and people, it shows how much you love your phone and you have created this person in your life that displays family to you. Force yourself to have a relaxing electronic free day where you appreciate the surroundings near your which will help calm all your stress down from these worldly things. The article in Psychology Today says that, the use of technology can alter the actual wiring of the brain. More than a third of children under the age of two use mobile media. That number only increases as children age, with 95% of teens 12-17 spending time online. The article, explains this as video games form the brain in a way that leads to a diminishing memory and distraction. Children who use search engine to find information might be good at finding it but not at remembering. Also children who use too much of technology may not use their imagination to deeply analyze the information or material. Another study on two groups of sixth graders found that kids who had no access to electronic devices for five days were better at picking up on emotions and nonverbal cues of photos of faces than the group that used their devices during that time. Also this relates to how, Pediatricians say that severe obesity is increasing among young people which clearly reflects the type of foods kids eat also as we use more technology, we exercise little. Now, let me give you an advice, go for a vacation, do not take your phone despite all those important pictures you have to upload then actually enjoying the real sensation of the actual place. Creating an absolute balance in your life will help you appreciate the people around you as well as the technology you use but rather becoming a senseless zombie that you often kill in the games. Lastly, I am not saying that you by using technology are a bad person, but what I am trying to convey is that technology is now getting advance day by day, you being dependent on it could ruin your live in a way that you would not even imagine. By advance technology I mean, how you see in movies that the artificial intelligent robots designed by humans, attack humans and then take over the world by causing a terrifying robotic apocalypse. So consider this question, What if you were the one who invented this weapon of mass destruction and caused us, humans to extinct? Works Cited Walsh, Kelly. Awesome Free Ed Tech Resources EBook! Emerging Education Technologies RSS. 20 June 2012. Web. 15 January. 2017. The Four Negative Sides of Technology. The Four Negative Sides of Technology | Edudemic. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2017.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Trade in the Aztec Civilization :: essays research papers

Trade in the Aztec Civilization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While reading the Trade in the Aztec Civilization, I learned a great deal of new and old business ethics. I saw the differences between today’s business and before business and how we have evolved from it. One of the first things I noticed was the different social classes. Just like in today’s society there were the rich, the middle class, and the poor. The pipiltin’s and mayeques considered themselves the common people. They were the first ones to engage in guilds. On the other hand we had the pochteca who thought of themselves as the more great importance of the social classes. They had what you would call a world of their own in my opinion. They had there own religion, their own economic code, and legal system. Each group came from a different part of the Mexican land, anywhere from El Salvador, to Nicaragua to the Gulf of Mexico. Each group had there own individuality, but came together to share their knowledge in the buying, selling and t rading of goods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were two forms of law that existed in the Aztec community, common law and written law up until around 1325. After that they declared a king what was other wise known to them as a tlatoani. This chief was in charge of the administration of justice, a chief of the army, a head priest, and a royal treasure. They took on those responsibilities with this statement in mind, â€Å"what is desirable, what is right† and they were to rule by that order.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As for the political structure the initiation of a legal system was motivated by the fact that they needed a principal role in the religious, economic, and military fields. In having a legal system they were able to distinguish the right from the wrong. Rules and regulations were fixed, the different forms of contracts were deleted, and justice was administered to the markets.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is stated in the chapter that there were sixty-nine different categories of traders. They all had different goods to trade, but no matter where you came from you went by scale, loans, contracts, and also used a money system called coachtili. Business was negotiated many different ways, but within each trader, buyer and selling, they knew the international language of business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As I talked about earlier pipiltin’ formed the guilds. Each guild has its own people from there own town.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Controversial Television Program Essay

My topic is Controversial Television Program; I believe that I can’t exclusively pertain to only one source. Why? Having a specific source restricts the information available for my topic that will hinder the comparisons of the advantages and disadvantages of certain controversial programs. A controversial television program doesn’t necessarily mean it has a â€Å"negative† impact to the audience, rather than a good conventional discussion for audience to tackle a particular issue that has a significant effect to the society or to an individual. It does not constraints ones idea, rather it asks us to become open minded and embrace various issues to talk about and open our minds and do something about it. This controversial television program varies from time to time. Decades ago, people are more conservative and restrict television programs that only cater to their taste, to their way of living. But now, people opt to have taste of these things that enhance their minds and argue things. I have chosen 3 various resources for my paper, and these three resources are great combinations to help me enable present a better research paper. These resources are in the same form of media as to my topic, and would surely cover all my questions and be able to expound a good argument to my audience.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Case Analysis: Tennant Company Essay

Lead-In/Key Issues Over Tennant Company’s (Tennant) 141 year history, they have consistently remained a producer of floor-cleaning equipment and technologies focusing their efforts in producing products for non-residential use. Since the new CEO Chris Killingstad has come to the company however, he has been dramatically changing Tennant’s value proposition with a broader emphasis encompassing â€Å"chemical-free cleaning and other technologies.† This case shows Tennant’s move beyond traditional green efforts to centralizing environmentally-friendly performance at the heart of the company’s focus, and whether this new focus provides enough benefit as a competitive advantage. The challenge now for Killingstad and Tennant is how to move forward into 2013 in terms of company focus and direction; mainly the extent to which they should diversify. Should Tennant move into residential markets with smaller units for consumers to use in-home? Should they continue to focus on the commercial side, investing instead in the market potential of their ec-H20 and irreversible electroporation technologies? Or should they enter emerging markets with low-cost alternatives to truly increase their global exposure and propagate their vision of chemical-free cleaning? Situation Analysis External Analysis In this section I will use case information and provide an analysis of the commercial cleaning industry. I am choosing to ignore the residential cleaning industry at this time as they have only begun thinking about the consumer market at the time the case was written. Also, given the push by the majority of cleaning companies to â€Å"go green† it is important to look at the entire cleaning industry rather than just the ecologically-friendly niche in order to assess the level of Tennant’s competitive advantage relative to the industry as a whole. As aforementioned, there has been a general trend towards green alternatives in the 21st century, across a large array of industries. More specifically in the commercial cleaning industry it was revealed that consumers desired more environmentally-friendly solutions, as long as there was no sacrifice to price and performance. This ties in with the industry opportunities in the Tennant SWOT analysis (appendix 2) as the innovativ e products from Tennant give them the advantage over chemical-only cleaning companies. Before I analyze Porter’s five forces with respect to Tennant, we must understand what life cycle stage the commercial cleaning industry is currently at. Since profits for Tennant have been rising, and the industry as a whole is said to have risen to 5 billion, I can conclude the industry is still in the growth stage. Now it is important to look at how the development of new technology has impacted Porter’s five forces, most specifically the bargaining power of buyers and the threat of substitute products. Since the introduction of their disruptive technologies they have greatly reduced the risk of these two forces specifically; as these types of products are not easily available elsewhere. It is through these technologies they have created a new, unique selling proposition that has become a competitive advantage for Tennant. Internal Analysis Moving away from the external environment in the cleaning industry, I will now shift attention to Tennant’s key strengths (and their underlying causes) as well as an analysis of financial information to assess their profitability and efficiency. The main source of Tennant’s relative strength in the industry comes from their innovative and patented technologies (see Appendix 2). Firm-specific strengths are resources that can become core competencies; in the case of Tennant they have already become a primary strategic advantage. Now as technological strengths are quite often a by-product of well-structured R&D within a firm, it is therefore crucial to look at in this case. Most of their initial innovative success can be attributed to the Advanced Product Development group, which although was only allocated 10% of the R&D budget they developed the most significant technologies between 2002 and 2006, namely their FaST and ReadySpace technologies. Following the success of th eir ec-H2O technology, they decided to further develop its platform outside of the corporate culture of Tennant and created the subsidiary â€Å"Orbio Technologies Group.† It was through this subsidiary that Tennant developed the split-stream technology and irreversible electroporation, both successful innovations. In all, it can be concluded that the creation of an â€Å"entrepreneurial† subsidiary was a successful management move, and combined with well coordinated R&D it allowed Tennant to develop their core competency. Now it is also important to note where their strengths and weaknesses lie with respect to their financial data and corresponding ratio analysis. Tennant’s main concerns lay in three specific ratios: operating cash flow ratio, their operating profit margin, and their solvency ratio (see Appendix 1). First their operating cash flow ratio is well below one indicating they have not generated enough cash flow during the year to pay off their short-term liabilities. Second their operating profit margin is only 6.10% and 5.76% for the past two years respectively, indicating they are not generating an ideal amount of EBIT per sales dollar earned. And third their solvency ratio is below the healthy threshold of 20% (10.67% and 9.67% for the past two years respectively) meaning they have less of an ability to fulfill debt obligations and have a heightened default risk. Now they are a little stronger in some areas; their current ratio is above a two which is ideal for most firms. Also they do have some operating leverage (although not much above a one means it is low). There is a significant gap between their gross margin and operating profit margin, indicating they are spending a large amount of their revenue on operating expenses. This is to be expected with a highly R&D intensive company like Tennant, as well as the need for high selling expenses required to differentiate from the rest of the cleaning companies. Strategic Alternatives Alternative #1 My first alternative is for Tennant Company to move into the residential, consumer market with smaller Orbio-E handheld units. In this proposed alternative they should stay away from licensing and keep production within the company. This alternative simply provides a variation of their core competency, innovative technologies, and therefore does not stray far from their already established strategic strengths. Alternative #2 The second alternative I would recommend would be the proposed base-of-the-pyramid (BOP) model in emerging markets. As suggested by the case would allow them to identify areas to improve in their legacy markets by creating low-cost products for low-income consumers in developing countries. Furthermore, this action could potentially catapult them to industry-leader status by taking their green initiative to the next level. This very likely would also cause an increase in their goodwill. Alternative #3 The final alternative I will provide with this analysis is for Tennant to continue current operations. They would focus their resources on developing their existing customer relationships with their tried and tested product line. This alternative is taking the less risky approach, by not pursuing chemical-free cleaning too quickly and waiting to assess where the industry is after a given period of time. This will help mitigate potentially detrimental effects on their existing customer base who do not feel ready to make the transition to chemical-free cleaning. Strategic Recommendation I would suggest Tennant Company move forward with my second proposed alternative, of the BOP business model venturing into emerging markets. It does carry with it more risk, and would require them to take an in-depth analytical look at the profitability of that option. However the potential benefits outweigh the perceived risk in this example for Tennant. Not only will they gain valuable insight into reducing costs associated with their production by developing a low-cost line, but this option is the most synergistic with their core vision. Chris Killingstad even states: â€Å"We owe it to the world to grow and expand as much as we can,† and this simply cannot be accomplished by avoiding emerging markets in developing countries. All-in-all, with their unique technology and highly green initiatives, Tennant Company is well-positioned for continued success in the cleaning industry.

Turning Strategy into Great Performance

First, let me start by explaining that a lot of times executives, and some HR leadership fail to recognize that performance and potential are two completely different dynamics that get often confused when companies are trying to hire new talent or possibly promote their current talent for new roles within their organizations. In fact, today's leaders cannot assume that their current top performers are the next potential talent in the industry for future purposes. Certainly, high performers may master their specific job task at the moment, but the â€Å"potential† challenge is going to be how well they will adapt to future role changes, and the ambiguity that may follow with that new role and their current skills capability. Unlike performance, individuals showing potential are identified by how well they adapt at accomplishing new tasks quickly and effectively while learning new roles quicker than their peers. After all, performance keeps businesses running optimally at the moment, but it's potential that helps run the future state of the business and that's what's needed to bring companies to the next level. Besides, employees who have potential have the ability to grow and take on more responsibilities in the future. In short, performance keeps the business moving, while potential makes the business prosper, grow, and mature.In fact, this is where the dynamic changes to potential rather than performance. In his book on Strategy-Driven Talent Management, Silzer and Dowell, (2009) explains that Executives and human resource personnel need to be better trained at accurately assessing talent to identify both potential and behavior rather than just judging by past performance because they will need to predict and envision whether a person will be successful in the long-term or not in future new roles. In the same way, they will need to take into consideration the fact that before moving existing talent into future positions that assessment measures must be taken whether these individuals will continue to be able to perform and grow in their new roles as they did in their past roles. In particular, consider how likely they are to develop and be successful in rapidly learning, adapting, and growing into these future roles (Silzer, & Dowell, 2009). In the same way, Church and Rotolo, (2013) explain in their benchmark survey of large corporations that multi-source assessment tools are a great way for organizations to make decisions about their potential talent and performance identification within their talent pools; help aid in succession planning; and drive behavior change for those selected individuals. In addition, they emphasized that not one specific tool is perfect, but that in using many feedback assessment tools the common end result should point to the same conclusion. In fact, they found specifically that the constant feedback from executives and their peers using 360-degree feedback surveys were successful in almost 70% of the organizations researched. The 360-degree feedback survey helped executives make important decisions regarding their talents potential and performance measurements towards predicting future behavior. Similarly, they also discussed the importance of making these surveys specific to their own needs, challenges, and business strategies (Church, & Rotolo, 2013).Likewise, Dries, Vantilborgh, & Pepermans, (2012) explain the role of learning agility and career variety in the identification and development of high potential employees. Their research found that in order to help identify talent in high potential individuals those individuals needed to succeed in a variety of other roles while being subjected to tough or difficult conditions other than their current limited job tasks and their past performance alone. In fact, those select employees needed to have a high agility for continuous learning they had to be willing and able to learn new competencies. Nevertheless, they emphasized that management in the past have always depended on current job performance to identify high potentials, but have failed because not all high performers are high potential individuals. In brief, they emphasized the need for a learning agility assessment in their development and identification of high potential individuals, in order for organizations to sustain their competitive advantage (Dries, Vantilborgh, & Pepermans, 2012). Equally important, is Campbell & Smith's, (2010) article on High-potential talent: A view from inside the leadership pipeline. These two researchers found that an overwhelmingly 96% of survey participants said that both engagement and commitment were very high on their list for developing potential employees to be motivated to perform above and beyond their specific job duties. More importantly, they explained the vital role that their employee's experiences and perspectives play in identifying potential talent from within the companies talent pipeline. In fact, they believe that when companies invest in talent management to include both career pathways and support for their high potential employee developments that those processes help identify the next steps needed to advance leadership potential and performance within the organization. All the while, building employee engagement, commitment and loyalty to their organization that results in an overall business advantage (Campbell, & Smith, 2010). Nevertheless, because it's such a financial challenge to attract, develop, and support talent management policies for companies today, I believe it's vital for organizations to have in place retention initiatives, tools, and resources to help avoid any such loss of their high potential employees intellectual knowledge, skills, and abilities. Besides, there is a high cost of turnover for companies when employees leave for career advancement elsewhere. Surprisingly, Frey, & Stechstor, (2007) found in their double round of survey interviews of twelve senior human resource experts from large and medium multinational companies that in the first round of the survey, most companies had no real retention management policies or initiatives in place and that their attitudes towards retention management strategies varied greatly from some who thought it was critical to the success of the company, to some who didn't think retention tools were necessarily important at all (Frey, ; Stechstor, 2007). Subsequently, in the second round of survey questionnaires, collected from those same HR experts who were asked to then rate three specific categories of retention management tools that were deemed to be most important to them when possibly implementing them in their own retention policy strategies. The categories for the initiatives for retention were labeled as:1. ‘Must-have', 2. ‘Optional', or3. ‘Trend-setting' As a result of the data collected, in the first group of ‘must have' employee retention tools HR management of those twelve organizations thought that performance related pay, constant feedback, culture and developmental career opportunities were the highest priority for retention of high potential talent. Next, they thought that the second most important tools for retention that should be in the ‘optional' group were listed as job rotation, retirement benefits, coaching, and mentoring. Finally, in the third ‘trend setting' category the tools that they thought were good for future retention strategies were stock options, working from home, and specific job tailoring (Frey, ; Stechstor, 2007). In sum, the value of investing in employee training and development can help an organization in many ways. Namely, by having the ability to run a business leaner and more importantly, by helping to diversify the talent and potential that already exists within the organization. Certainly, when companies invest in their employee development and talent management policies it motivates employees to perform at their best, while at the same time offsetting costs associated with high employee turnover, and retention of skilled labor. All in all, in these difficult economic times when businesses are cutting costs and headcount, identifying and assessing high potential employees can help management move workers around to different areas of the business and run a leaner and cost efficient process. Finally, a company with good employee development also attracts loyal and motivated individuals. Simply put, businesses must have employees who are knowledgeable in more than one skillset to remain competitive. Altogether, training, assessments, and education help ensure that employees have the skills needed to perform their business needs. Therefore, when you invest in your employee's aspirations and abilities, it improves your business performance, efficiency, loyalty, and profit. In other words, the ROI on employee talent development is one of the best long-term investments that a company can make.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

IT Projet Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

IT Projet Management - Essay Example Company’s website contains all information, contact information, profile, careers and other related information for customer’s ease. Some companies display testimonials from customers on their website so that a new consumer can have an idea about their authenticity. Showing companies worth on websites help in attracting customers and bringing new business opportunities. Information technology has changed a business processes, it has given a new edge to companies sale and their income. E-commerce website are playing a vital role in bringing new opportunities in businesses. Business processes have achieved a new form and giving extra advantages to their consumers. Companies can sell their services and products online which helps in boosting their sales and customer can order their required product from home, office or workplace without going out. Company gets additional amount and the customer gets his desired product at home within few business hours. E-commerce websites are the best solution to sell services and products for the betterment of business in shortest time span. All company needs is a strong marketing of their website, a strong promotion of their websites through legal ways. Developing an IT project is not an easy task, it involves a lot of issues both technical and non-technical. It seems a few clicks story but behind the scene, picture is totally different. It involves lots of technicalities, issues and other facts that need to be solved for delivering a bug free online solution. As an IT manager, it’s really hard to manage all things over one platform while being on triple constraint i.e time, cost and quality. Three constraints are really hard to meet that’s the only reason IT projects get failed. As, things are getting better and information technology industry is frequently discovering new edges, projects are started being delivered on time, within budget while maintaining quality. Most of the IT solution providers offer 6 months free maintainance to their customers. These days, companies are preferring having e-commerce solution for their business, the only reason of this change is the growth in IT industry. IT industry applying new technologies, new techniques and has started delivering project on time and within budget. No doubt, still there is a vast room for improvement but industry has grown a lot. When a project starts, the main responsibility is of IT Project manager, he has to deal with all staff, both technical and non- technical, client and the management. He has to satisfy all stakeholders by all means till the project ends. Being an IT project manager it’s really hard to follow all three constraints i.e. time, cost and quality. Triple Constraint Project management is the field of securing, utilizing, and managing resources in order to obtain the successful and on time achievement of specific project objectives and goals. Sometime, it is blended with program management never theless technically that is basically a level up construction: a radical of linked and up to some extent connected engineering projects. Project Management is the discipline of managing resources such as scope, time and cost to achieve a desired result. Three constraints are also known as triple constraint. Triple Constraint

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Cuban Revolutionary War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Cuban Revolutionary War - Research Paper Example According to Minster, the Cuban revolutionary war was started by the former Sergeant army Fulgencio Batista who took power following a highly contested and disputed presidential election. History has it that Batista became president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944 and again attempted to resume power in the 1952 presidential election. Upon realizing that he was likely to lose in the election, retired Sergeant Batista seized power before actual election date. In the reports of Minster, the presidential election of 1952 was projected to favor a new presidential candidate, Fidel Castro. Upon cancellation of election results due to the ensuing political upheaval, Mr. Fidel Castro begun to plan strategies by which he could oust President Batista. In order to fight the ruling government, Mr. Fidel Castro had to organize for weapons to wage attacks specially destined against Moncada Barracks, which was perceived to bear the power of the government military force. In July1953, Castro organized 138 militia men with whom they attacked Moncada Barracks resulting in the capture of the rebel militia men and death of nineteen federal soldiers (Minster). The war also led to the arrest of Fidel Castro and Raul Castro alongside some of the rebel soldiers. Other soldiers died of gun shots of the fierce federal armies. Fidel Castro and Raul Castro together with the rebels faced to public trial for their involvement in the botched coup. Hutsell, Sanders and Kuntz report that being a professional lawyer; Fidel Castro defended himself by claiming that he waged a just war against the perceived dictatorial regime under the leadership of Batista. Despite the justification of Castro’s defense speech, he was sentenced to fifteen year imprisonment. Minster reports that in May 1955, Batista’s government faced numerous accusations from the international spectrum accusing him of tyrannical leadership. In the effect, the government released all the prisoners including the rebels who took part in the attacks on Moncada Barracks. Hutsell, Kuntz and Sanders further confirm that upon release, Fidel Castro and Raul Castro flew to Mexico to organize another strategy for more sustained attacks on Batista’s government. In Mexico, Raul and Fidel met the exiled Cubans with whom they joined hands to form the 26th July Movement typically named as a commemoration of the Moncada militia attacks. In the group of the organ ized revolutionary militia in Mexico organized to propagate war against Batista’s government, were the Camilo Cienfuegos and the Argentine doctor by the name Ernesto Che Guevara. In November of 1956, the top leaders comprising of Fidel, Raul, Camilo and Ernesto together with other eighty two men sailed to Cuba in full preparation for the revolutionary war against the government of President Batista (Hutsell, Kuntz and Sanders). Minster illustrates that the arrival of the militia group from Mexico was well discerned by Batista’s administration and had therefore prepared to face them off. However, the ingenuity of Raul and Fidel made them to lead their group to the thick and impenetrable woodland located in the center of Cuba. Minster confirms that the revolutionary group used the opportunity in the forest to regroup and attract other new members. The period spent on the highland forest also assisted towards collection of weapons for waging the guerrilla war against the armies of the ruling government. On 26th July